Portail d'information géographique

Résultats de la recherche (19 résultats)

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  • Decades of change : contributions of geomorphology to fluvial and coastal engineering and management
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Recent geomorphological studies have shown the importance of thermal stress in cold regions by means of high-frequency rock temperature data which can identify rates of temperature change in excess. The occurence of weathered material in cold
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology
  • Changing the face of the earth-engineering geomorphology