Résultats de la recherche (24 résultats)
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Par Collection Par Auteur- BREMER, H., (Editeur scientifique) (24)
- BOGNAR, A. (1)
- CORNEL, T. (1)
- MIKA, J. (1)
- MUCSI, L. (1)
- MÓGA, J. (1)
- NÁDOR, A. (1)
- PÃTRU, I. (1)
- RICHTER, G. (1)
- SZABÓ, G. (1)
- SZÖÖR, G. (1)
- VARGA, G. (1)
- BALOGH, J. (1)
- CSERNY, T. (1)
- CSILLAG, G. (1)
- CSÜLLÖG, G. (1)
- 1997 (24)
- Action anthropique ; Aire de loisir ; Datation C 14 ; Eutrophisation ; Holocène ; Hongrie ; Lac ; Niveau lacustre ; Paléo-écologie ; Pollution ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie ; Sédiment lacustre (1)
- Action anthropique ; Aménagement hydraulique ; Cours d'eau ; Géométrie hydraulique ; Hongrie ; Lit fluvial ; Méandre ; Plaine d'inondation ; Profil transversal (1)
- Action anthropique ; Budapest ; Couverture végétale ; Danube ; Ecosystème ; Formation herbacée ; Forêt ; Géo-écologie ; Hongrie ; Ile ; Microrelief ; Plaine d'inondation ; Végétation ; Végétation ripicole (1)
- Action anthropique ; Carrière ; Hongrie ; Karst ; Pipe-line ; Pollution ; Protection de l'environnement ; Qualité de l'eau ; Réseau de drainage (1)
- Action anthropique ; Dynamique de versant ; Ecosystème ; Ecotope ; Exploitation minière ; Hongrie ; Roche volcanique ; Réseau de drainage ; Système d'information géographique ; Utilisation du sol (1)
- Aeolian features ; Fluvial processes ; Grain size distribution ; Hungary ; Index ; Loess ; Palaeo-environment ; Sedimentology ; Surface deposits ; Weathering (1)
- Agriculture collective ; Erosion des sols ; Précipitation ; Ravinement ; Ruissellement ; Slovaquie ; Utilisation du sol ; Versant (1)
- Aire de loisir ; Bassin-versant ; Bilan hydrologique ; Bilan sédimentaire ; Charge en suspension ; Ecosystème ; Engrais ; Eutrophisation ; Hongrie ; Lac ; Pollution (1)
- Argile ; Géochimie ; Géochronologie ; Géomorphologie ; Hongrie ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Paléosol ; Pliocène ; Stratigraphie (1)
- Basalt ; Differential erosion ; Hungary ; K/Ar dating ; Lava flow ; Maar ; Quaternary ; Tectonics ; Volcanism (1)
- Basalte ; Coulée de lave ; Datation K/Ar ; Erosion différentielle ; Hongrie ; Maar ; Quaternaire ; Tectonique ; Volcanisme (1)
- Biostratigraphie ; Holocène ; Hongrie ; Lac ; Mollusque ; Paléo-écologie ; Paléogéographie ; Sédimentation lacustre ; Tourbière (1)
- Biostratigraphy ; Holocene ; Hungary ; Lacustrine sedimentation ; Lake ; Mollusca ; Palaeo-ecology ; Palaeogeography ; Peat bog (1)
- Budapest ; Danube ; Ecosystem ; Floodplain ; Forest ; Geo-ecology ; Grassland ; Human impact ; Hungary ; Island ; Microrelief ; Plant cover ; Vegetation (1)
- C 14 dating ; Eutrophication ; Holocene ; Human impact ; Hungary ; Lacustrine sediment ; Lake ; Lake level ; Palaeo-ecology ; Pollution ; Quaternary ; Recreation area ; Stratigraphy (1)
- Canyon ; Contrainte de cisaillement ; Croatie ; Faille ; Géomorphologie structurale ; Géomorphométrie ; Mouvement vertical ; Néotectonique ; Quaternaire ; Réseau de drainage (1)
- Canyon ; Croatia ; Drainage network ; Fault ; Geomorphometry ; Neotectonics ; Quaternary ; Shear stress ; Structural geomorphology ; Vertical movement (1)
- Carbonate rock ; Cenozoic ; Doline ; Drainage network ; Hungary ; Karst ; Karstification ; Palaeogeography ; Palaeogeomorphology ; Weathering (1)
- Carpates ; Cycle géomorphologique ; Erosion différentielle ; Hongrie ; Hydrosystème ; Hydrothermal ; Karst ; Karstification ; Lac ; Mouvement vertical ; Paléogéographie ; Pénéplaine ; Recharge naturelle ; Sédiment lacustre (1)
- Carpates ; Cénozoïque ; Désert ; Encroûtement ; Hongrie ; Miocène ; Paléobiogéographie ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Paléomagnétisme ; Pliocène (1)
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe (24)
- A complex phreatomagmatic volcano in the Pannonian Basin (Tihany paleovolcano, Hungary) (1)
- A slope model for the Curvature Subcarpathians, Romania (1)
- Basalt surfaces in the Slovak Carpathians (1)
- Biostratigraphic and geomorphic investigations in areas of Hungary subsided during the Holocene (1)
- Climate as a changing component of landscape : recent evidence and projections for Hungary (1)
- Comparison of loess types in Hungary using granulometric analysis (1)
- Environmental geological research in the Lake Balaton region (1)
- Geomorphic effect of surface runoff in the Myjava Hills, Slovakia (1)
- Geomorphological and stratigraphical significance of Pliocene red clay in Hungary (1)
- Geomorphological evidence of neotectonic activity in NW-Croatia (1)
- Geomorphological impacts of urbanization : example of Komló, S-Transdanubia, Hungary (1)
- Geomorphology and drainage of the S-Gömör-Torna karst region in view of an environmental hazard (1)
- Human impact on rivers in Hungary as reflected in changes of channel planform (1)
- Human impact on the Medves region, N-Hungary (1)
- Human impacts on a floodplain : the case of Háros Island, Budapest (1)
- Multi-phase geomorphological evolution of the Keszthely Mountains (SW-Transdanubia) and karstic recharge of the Hévíz lake (1)
- On late Miocene-early Pliocene desert climate in the Carpathian Basin (1)
- Paleoenvironmental changes and geochemistry of loesses and paleosols in SE-Transdanubia, Hungary (1)
- Periglacial features and surface rock type : examples from the S-Bükk Mountains, N-Hungary (1)
- Human impact on rivers in Hungary as reflected in changes of channel planform
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- In the second half of the 19th century, flood control measures radically changed the Hungarian river network. Channel length, slope and planform were all directly affected by regulation and also by subsequent river adjustment. In this paper selected
- sections of 2 rivers are studied. Sinuosity and shifts and dimension changes of meanders are used to detect river mechanism countering or complying with the impact of human intervention.
- Climate as a changing component of landscape : recent evidence and projections for Hungary
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Cartographie thématique ; Changement global ; Climat ; Hongrie ; Modèle ; Précipitation ; Réchauffement climatique ; Série chronologique ; Température ; Variation climatique
- Climate ; Climatic variation ; Climatic warming ; Global change ; Hungary ; Model ; Precipitation ; Temperature ; Thematic mapping ; Time series
- Paleoenvironmental changes and geochemistry of loesses and paleosols in SE-Transdanubia, Hungary
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- in the following changes of geomorphic processes. Subsidiary investments accompanying urban development reduced landslide hazard.
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
- Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe