The paper presents an analysis of recent trends for precipitation in the Carpathians on the basis of data for the period 1951-1995. Temporal variability in precipitation was examined based on area-averaged data for the Carpathians
and then separately for the eastern and western parts. Overall precipitation totals in the Carpathians show downward trends, which are visible in summer and winter but which contrast with opposite trends in spring and summer. Agreement between the course and trend
in precipitation and the cyclonicity index (C) is also observed.
Climatic changes in Southern Poland, including the CarpathianMountains are shown in regional and local scale. There are discussed: changeability of the circulation indices during the winter season and fluctuations of the air temperatures based
on the instrumental observations in the mountain stations. The influence of climate is referred to the secular changes in the width of tree rings in Tatra Mountains and the thermal feelings of human body. Local changes of the radiation inflows are characteristic
Variability of selected thermal characteristics of the air in the Carpathian Foothills in the years 1951-1995
Air temperature ; Atmospheric circulation ; CarpathianMountains ; Climatic index ; Climatic variability ; Continentality ; Oceanicity ; Poland ; Seasonal variation ; Temperature ; Time series
of the Foothills. It has been observed that the effects of the circulation of a given type, represented by the index of the Atlantic progression (P), show up in the multi-year course of temperature and differ in character in particular seasons of the year.
The paper presents an analysis of thermal conditions in the Carpathian Foothills in 1951-1995. Particular attention has been paid to showing the influence of continentality and oceanity on trends in the course of air temperature in various parts
This paper analyses long-term variability in the number of days with precipitation in Kraków in relation to changes in atmospheric circulation. This paper provides a certain contribution to the reconstruction of the climate in the first half
This article presents the variability to selected extreme climatic phenomena in Poland in the second half of the 20th century. The main attention is paid to the search for exceptional values for indicators or trends that might be regarded as effects
of global warming. Among the circulation indicators considered are the variability to the influx of Arctic and tropical air masses in the period 1951-1999, as well as the numbers of days with fronts.
United States'interannual precipitationvariability over the past century : is variability increasing as predicted by models ?
Climatic change ; Climatic trend ; Interannual variability ; Krigeage ; Model ; Precipitation ; Spatial analysis ; Time series ; Twentieth Century ; United States of America
The AA. examine trends in interannual precipitationvariability over the past century for the United States. A variety of statistical methods are applied to the time series, and they consistently find upward trends (most are statistically
significant) in seasonalvariability. Although strong spatial gradients or clusters do not appear in the trend values, trends toward increasing variability were substantially higher in the low-sun season than in the high-sun season. Their results from
the United States provide empirical support for the many modeling studies simulating an increase in precipitationvariability given continued global warming.
Les suites de jours avec précipitations dans les Carpates occidentales et leur influence sur le déroulement des travaux des champs
Agricultural climatology;Agroclimatology ; Agricultural labour ; Carpathians ; Crop ; Impact study ; Mountain ; Poland ; Precipitation ; Soil moisture;Soil water ; Time series ; Water cycle;Water circulation
Agroclimatologie ; Cycle de l'eau ; Eau du sol ; Etude d'impact ; Karpaty ; Montagne ; Plante cultivée ; Pologne ; Précipitation ; Série chronologique ; Travaux agricoles
Les AA. présentent les précipitations continues dans les Carpates occidentales. Ils déterminent leur fréquence qui empêche les travaux des champs durant les différentes périodes de végétation des plantes ainsi que leur influence sur l'amélioration
Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland
Air temperature ; Atmospheric pressure ; Climate ; Climatic trend ; Climatic warming ; Continentality ; Nineteenth Century ; Poland ; Precipitation ; Seasonalvariability ; Time series ; Twentieth Century
This study details the results of a search for changes in the annual rhythms for atmospheric pressure, air temperature and precipitation in Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries. Analyses of several time series has allowed for the deducing
of decreasing continentality of climate in Poland, a marked warming in the winter-spring period and a general weakening of seasonal contrasts regarding the climate.
précipitations annuelles. Discussion des résultats par rapport aux prédictions des modèles de circulation générale.
Analyse des tendances spatio-temporelles du volume et de la concentration des précipitations d'après les données mensuelles enregistrées au cours de la période 1961-1990 de 96 stations pluviométriques de la Communauté de Valence. Les principaux
résultats obtenus sont les suivants : diminution des précipitations annuelles dans 43 stations, maintien ou augmentation de la variabilité de la pluviométrie (52 et 38 stations) ; tendance à la hausse de la concentration pluviométrique et de sa variabilité
dans 39 stations ; au niveau du secteur semi-aride (précipitations faibles), la quantité annuelle de pluie tend à augmenter ou à se maintenir, dans les zones de précipitations plus élevées, on observe une tendance négative par rapport au total des
Temporal variability of precipitation over Iran : 1966-2005
Climate ; Climatic trend ; Iran ; Precipitation ; Seasonal variation ; Spatial variation ; Test ; Time series
Années 1966-2005 ; Climat ; Iran ; Précipitation ; Série chronologique ; Tendance du climat ; Test ; Variation saisonnière ; Variation spatiale
Le dépouillement de 41 séries révèle une tendance à la diminution des précipitations annuelles dans environ 60% d'entre elles, essentiellement dans le Nord-Ouest du pays. La tendance est surtout marquée en hiver, et plus accessoirement au printemps
CarpathianMountains ; Climatic variability ; Climatic variation ; Human impact ; Hydraulic works ; Poland ; Scale ; Temperature ; Time series ; Topoclimate ; Valley
. The regional scale trends of air temperature changes for the Carpathian Foothills are presented along with local scale transformation of climatic relations in the Foothill valleys produced by the construction of a reservoir. It is also demonstrated how
This paper provides a review of the nature and variability of the climate and hydrology in the source region of the Blue Nile, the central Ethiopian Highlands. Annual rainfall over the basin decreases from the south-west to the north-east
Atmospheric dynamics ; Climate ; Cluster analysis ; Missouri ; Seasonalvariability ; Spatial variation ; Time series ; Tornado ; United States of America
Analyse des groupes ; Années 1950-2002 ; Climat ; Dynamique de l'atmosphère ; Etats-Unis ; Missouri ; Série chronologique ; Tornade ; Variabilité saisonnière ; Variation spatiale
significant decline in tornado days during that time period. Seasonal patterns in tornado days were examined for each of the 115 countries in Missouri using cluster analysis.
Tornado analysis using a tornado-day approach was made for the State of Missouri, and its climatic divisions, for the period 1950-2002. Although tornado days have not increased in Missouri, the NW Prairie climatic division recorded a statistically
Hydrological responses to precipitation variation and diverse human activities in a mountainous tributary of the lower Xijiang, China
Carrying capacity ; China ; Climatic change ; Discharge ; Guangdong ; Human impact ; Hydraulic works ; Hydrology ; Precipitation ; Reforestation ; River regime ; Seasonal variation ; Stream ; Time series
Action anthropique ; Aménagement hydraulique ; Années 1959-2002 ; Capacité de charge ; Changement climatique ; Chine ; Cours d'eau ; Débit ; Guangdong ; Hydrologie ; Précipitation ; Reboisement ; Régime fluvial ; Série chronologique ; Variation
The Luodingjiang River, a mountainous tributary of the lower Xijiang in South China, was chosen to investigate the hydrological responses to the precipitation variation and diverse human activities (land use change, water diversion, reservoir
conduction, and in-channel damming) in this study. Two non-parametric statistical methods, Mann-Kendall and Pettitt test, were employed to detect the long-term changes in the time series of water discharge and sediment load (1959-2002) at the annual, monthly
and seasonal scales. The impacts of precipitation variation and human activities on water discharge and sediment load were discerned and quantified using double mass curve and linear regression methods. The operation of reservoirs and hydropower stations
seasonal changing patterns of both water discharge and sediment load in this study highlight the importance of involving monthly or seasonaltime series in the change detection in hydrological data.
is considered to be responsible for the observed increasing trends of water discharge in the dry-season and decreasing trends of sediment load after 1986, and for the latter, reforestation program in the catchment is another contributing factor. The distinct
Circulation atmósferica y variabilidad vegetal en Siberia central (1982-2001)
Circulation atmosphérique et variabilité végétale en Sibérie centrale
Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic zone ; Cold area ; Interannual variability ; Multivariate analysis ; Phenology ; Phytogeography ; Precipitation ; Principal components analysis ; Russia ; Seasonality ; Siberia ; Spatial distribution ; Temperature
Analyse en composantes principales ; Analyse multivariée ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Distribution spatiale ; Indice de végétation ; Phytogéographie ; Phénologie ; Précipitation ; Russie ; Saisonnalité ; Sibir' ; Série chronologique ; Température
; Time series ; Vegetation ; Vegetation index
A partir de l'exploitation des données satellitales NOAA-AVHRR de 1982 à 2001, a été réalisée une analyse en composantes principales pour déterminer la variabilité spatiale interannuelle de l'activité végétale en Sibérie centrale (entre 50°N-80°N et
55°E-115°E). Cette étude montre que les relations entre la variabilité de la circulation atmosphérique, les conditions climatiques et la variabilité de l'indice de végétation sont situées dans des zones aux conditions climatiques très contraignantes
pour le développement de la végétation et sa phénologie comme pour les régions de toundra du Nord, ce qui peut s'expliquer par le rôle de la circulation atmosphérique sur les températures estivales.
jours clairs, chargés et avec brouillard. Mise en évidence d'une tendance à la diminution des jours clairs, et à l'augmentation des jours avec brouillard, surtout en hiver. Un lien entre la couverture nuageuse et le type de circulation atmosphérique est
La variabilité des précipitations journalières a été analysée sur la série 1951-2004 pour l'ensemble de la région, et sur la série 1925-2004 pour le bassin du Reno. La saisonnalité est très marquée en montagne, avec un pic en octobre. Au fil des
décennies, l'abondance, la fréquence et l'intensité des précipitations tendent à diminuer en hiver et au printemps, alors que la fréquence des fortes et très fortes averses augmente en été. - (JPB)
Variability of the air temperature in Central Europe in the years 1792-1995
Air temperature ; Annual variation ; Austria ; Central Europe ; Cracow ; Czech Republic ; Europe ; Nineteenth Century ; Periodicity ; Poland ; Prague ; Regression analysis ; Seasonalvariability ; Temperature ; Time series ; Twentieth Century
Analyse de régression ; Autriche ; Europe ; Europe centrale ; Kraków ; Pologne ; Praha ; Périodicité ; Siècle 19 ; Siècle 20 ; Série chronologique ; Tchèque, république ; Température ; Température de l'air ; Variabilité saisonnière ; Variation
to serve also a basis for further, more precise studies including the variability and cyclicity of air temperature values in particular months. The methods used are known in statistics. Applied were : the equalization of long series by way of moving means