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Résultats de la recherche (353 résultats)

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  • Environmental effects of drainage, drain-blocking and prescribed vegetation burning in UK upland peatlands
  • Peatlands are important ecosystems for carbon (C) storage, provision of water resources and biodiversity. This paper reviews the hydrological, physicochemical and ecological effects of 3 widespread UK peatland management practices, namely artificial
  • drainage, drain blocking and rotational heather burning. Relatively little is known about the environmental effects of rotational heather burning compared with drainage and drain-blocking management, and for all three of these management techniques
  • there is scarce information on river ecosystem response. The AA. hypothesize some likely effects of basin-scale drainage, drain blocking and heather burning on stream ecosystems and illustrate these with a schematic model. Such a holistic consideration of peatland
  • properties and is viewed as being analogous to, and governed by, essentially the same properties as artificial field drains. Close similarities in regolith characteristics and response to rainfall in the two areas are noted.
  • The question of the Brain drain from the Philippines
  • Brain drain ; Emigration de cerveaux ; Géographie de l'Asie ; Migration ; Philippines
  • Artificial drainage ; European part of Russia ; Forest ; Humid environment ; Karelia ; Water balance ; Watershed
  • La modification de l'écoulement fluvial en Carélie après les mesures d'amélioration des forêts par drainage dépend de la durée du drainage, du type de forêt drainée et de son âge au moment des travaux. La diminution totale du volume de l'écoulement
  • DRAIN, Michel
  • Territorial cohesion, brain drain and digital divide
  • Brain drain in Eastern Germany and increasing governance paradoxes related to the outcomes of post-socialist peripheralization, new approach to educational policy in Saxony and Brandenburg. - (IfL)
  • Erosion and natural revegetation associated with surface land drains in upland peatlands
  • This paper examines blanket peat catchments in northern Britain and provides data on the erosion and revegetation of land drains and the sediment production from peatland drains. It provides a novel survey of the geomorphology of peat drains
  • and the first detailed measured comparison of sediment flux from open drains, intact peat subcatchments, drains that have been blocked by peat dams and sediment production from the catchment outlet.
  • Agua ; Agua potable ; Análisis multivariado ; Calidad del agua ; Carga en suspensión ; Estado de Nueva York ; Estados Unidos ; Lago artificial ; Precipitación ; Recursos en agua ; Turbidez
  • The aim of this study was to understand the underlying factors controlling the uncertainty in the discharge vs turbidity relationship at the outlet of the watershed draining into the Ashokan Reservoir, one part of the New York City (NYC) water
  • Cuenca hidrográfica ; Dióxido de carbono ; Erosión de los suelos ; Erosión hídrica ; Estados Unidos ; Flujo ; Hidroquímica ; Lago artificial ; Suelo cultivado ; Transporte sedimentario
  • ) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were monitored at a Central Indiana fluvial reservoir (built in 1967) fed by streams draining a predominantly agricultural watershed. The results highlighted that the reservoir C budget was very sensitive to CH4 and N2O emission pulses
  • DRAIN, M., (Editeur scientifique)
  • Pedogenic zonation in the well drained soils of the Arctic regions
  • A review of pedogenic zonation in well-drained soils of the Southern Circumpolar Region
  • The objectives of this paper are : 1) to summarize data for major soils, in particular the well-drained or zonal soils| 2) to examine soil-forming processes along a bioclimatic gradient| 3) to refine Tedrow's (1977) pedologic zones| and 4
  • Essais de mise en évidence et étude de l'environnement de drains karstiques par des techniques géophysiques
  • Etude, par des techniques géophysiques (sondages électriques et électromagnétiques) de deux cavités du karst nivernais. On n'obtient pas d'image probante des drains, mais seulement un ensemble d'anomalies de causes diverses. La méthode doit donc
  • Cressey Dymock and the draining of the Fens: an early agricultural model
  • In England under the Protectorate, new patterns of land-ownership and the draining of previously waste lands made more urgent the need to evolve rational methods of land use. The work of Cressey Dymock, one of the Hartlib circle, is presented
  • The aims of this study were to assess the infiltration capacity of some extensive soils in Ireland and also its spatial and temporal variability. Infiltration capacity was measured using double-ring infiltrometers at one poorly drained, one
  • imperfectly drained and eight freely drained sites. Discussion of the results of two series of measurements performed in winter and summer, in 1988 and in 1995-1996. A pronounced seasonal effect is highlighted and therefore a significant risk of overland flow
  • Impact du Brain-drain interne des diplômés des parcours science et techniques de l’université de Ngaoundéré sur le développement du Nord Cameroun
  • Brain drain ; Cameroon ; Enquiry ; Impact ; Regional development ; University
  • L’article analyse l’impact du brain drain interne ou la fuite des cerveaux interne au développement de la région du Nord. La méthodologie de recherche est basée sur les enquêtes par questionnaires standard et sur les entretiens. L’analyse
  • Pedological regional variations in well-drained soils, Denmark
  • Some effects of the plantation of conifers on a freely drained lowland soil, Forest of Dean, UK