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Résultats de la recherche (317 résultats)

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  • The peasant concept in anthropology
  • Peasants and bureaucracy in Chilean agrarian reform in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • Anthropology and the peasant mode of production in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • Amerindians ; Anthropology ; Cultural landscape ; Cultural studies ; Practice of geography ; United States of America
  • Though primarily a geographer, F. KNIFFEN (1900-1993) was also trained in anthropology. He published monographs of North American Indians and played a major role in creating a close liaison of geography and anthropology at Louisiana State University
  • The approach and activities of the Institute for development anthropology in food production, natural resource management, and the alleviation of hunger in developing countries in Famine in the focus of geography.
  • Anthropologie ; Gestion des ressources ; Généralités sur la géographie ; Institute for Development Anthropology ; Lutte contre la faim ; Organisme de recherche ; Production agricole ; Recherche
  • Man-environment relationships in anthropology and geography
  • Jajmaniland: in India, in economic anthropology, and elsewhere in Rural development.
  • The place of women in the modern Gameeby (village lapon): an igner in legal anthropology)
  • The Geographical environment and human biology (the anthropological aspect)
  • Peasant participation in agrarian reform: Mexico, Bolivia, and Venezuela in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • The Economic Anthropology of the Kru (West Africa)
  • Communication in an Indian village in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • The Rumanian farm household and the village community in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • Transformation of peasant economy: a Hungarian exemple in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • In the Real Peru: from fendalism to bureaucracy in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • Cattle raising in the Society, economy and ecology of Barbuda Island in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • The law of the tribe, the law of the nation, and double patriotism in Latin America in Anthropology and social change in rural areas.
  • Ethnicity, market, and migration in the Andes: At the crossroads of history and anthropology
  • Andes ; Anthropology ; Bolivia ; Colonial period ; Ethnic community ; Ethnicity ; History ; Market ; Migration ; Money ; Peru ; South America ; Trade
  • Elderly people ; Population ; Social anthropology ; Spain
  • Affect ; Anthropology ; Connectivity ; Ethnography ; Social sciences ; Subjectivity
  • The paper builds on recent literature in human geography on absence, presence, and postindustrial ruins and weds it with anthropological theory on connectedness, relatedness, and ruination to examine knowing. The A. argues that knowing in regard