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  • A definition and typology of plantation agriculture
  • Typological study of agriculture in developing countries
  • Some typologies of lifestyles in Finland and Poland
  • Krasové typy podle hledisek geologickych, geomorfologickych, klimatologickych, hydrologickych, biologickych a regionalnich. (To the karst typology)
  • An outline of development of ideas on the karst typology published in the world literature with comparison to opinions of the Czechoslovak karst investigators of geological, geomorphological, hydrological, biological and regional points of views
  • . It should be a contribution to the standartization of the world international karst typological terminology.
  • A typology of spatial and temporal scale relations
  • Scale ; Space time ; Spatial representation ; Typology
  • Landscape typology and evaluation of the Balaton Riviera in Environmental and dynamic geomorphology.
  • A complex landscape typological description of the north shore region of the largest lake in Central Europe is attempted. The natural potentials are also evaluated. (DLO).
  • Functional typology of landscape with respect to recreational needs
  • in the landscape typology. (MS).
  • Seaside resorts in the Dominican Republic : a typology
  • Dominican Republic ; Seaside resort ; Tourism ; Tourism policy ; Typology
  • Problems of delimitation and typology of border regions
  • Boundary;Frontier ; Concept ; Delimitation ; Frontier region ; Peripheral region ; Political geography ; Typology
  • Applicability of numeric taxonomy methods in agricultural typology. Problems, criteria, and methods of evaluation in The 24th International Geographical Congress, Tokyo, 1980.
  • Evaluation méthodologique des techniques employées pour les typologies agricoles et justification des méthodes adaptées et conçues pour ce genre de problème. Comparaison de six méthodes.
  • New stratigraphic subdivision and typology of soils of the Late Pleistocene in loess series of the Danube Lowland in Czechoslovakia in Lithology and stratigraphy of loess and paleosols.
  • Mention is for the first time made of a detailed typology of fossil soils of the R/W interglacial, then of the Early and Late Würm soils. Two stratotype soil complexes are distinguished: the Nitra and the Vyskovce complexes. (DLO).
  • Landslide typology in hilly regions on Northern Hungary in Environmental and dynamic geomorphology.
  • In the region between the Hernad and Sajo rivers, N-Hungary, landslides are so frequent that they tend to impede economic activities. A new genetic system is elaborated for landslide typology with a major emphasis on the nature and location
  • The evolving commercial strip : crossing Ford's typology in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona
  • Arizona ; Retail trade ; Typology ; United States of America ; Urban morphology
  • Author evaluates Ford's typology of commercial strip evolution by applying it to Phoenix. She finds that Ford's classification of eight architecturally distinct strips does explain the evolution of three commercial strips (McDowell Road, Camelback
  • Relief typology : example of Nógrád county, N-Hungary
  • Fault ; Floodplain ; Geomorphogenesis ; Geomorphology ; Geomorphometry ; Hungary ; Relief ; Slope ; Slope gradient ; Typology ; Volcanic rock ; Volcanism
  • The A. draws a clear distinction between relief classification and typology. Relief types are units clearly delimited in space, which show characteristic features of the groups theoretically formed by classification criteria (geological conditions
  • Cultural landscape ; Czech Republic ; Europe ; Landscape ; Typology
  • The main goal of this paper is to introduce the importance of landscape typology in present times. Different approaches to landscape typology in Czechia and other European countries as well as relations of landscape typology to landscape character
  • Agricultural typology. Proceedings of the eighth meeting of the commission on agricultural typology, International Geographical Union, Odessa, 20-26July 1976
  • Agricultural typology of the Thracian Basin, Bulgaria, as a case of the typology of world agriculture
  • Agricultural typology as a tool in planning spatial organization to agriculture-IGU commission on agricultural typology
  • Essay in industrial typology of the Belgian communes
  • Towards an evolutionary model of plantations : a Cuban typology