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Résultats de la recherche (1 résultat)

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  • The application of non-destructive methods to assess the stability of the national nature monument of the Pravčická Brána Rock Arch, Czech Republic
  • Analyse de stabilité ; Arche rocheuse ; Changement climatique ; Crétacé ; Grès ; Géophysique ; Méthodologie ; Patrimoine naturel ; Pravčická brána ; Roche ; Surveillance ; Tchèque république ; České Švýcarsko
  • Climatic change ; Cretaceous ; Czech Republic ; Geophysics ; Methodology ; Monitoring ; Natural heritage ; Rock ; Rock arche ; Sandstone ; Stability analysis
  • The study contains the results of non-destructive research of the Pravčická Brána Rock Arch which focuses on the structure and natural dynamics of this rock formation and its current level of stability. The main results include a description
  • of the block fabric of the rock body and the nature of the contact zone between the arch beam and the southern pillar, discovery of relatively fresh secondary fissures and identification of zones with weakened strength within the sandstone massif. Long-term
  • 2014