Tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the Bükk Mountains, N-Hungary with special regard to doline formation
Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
Description :
The present-day face of the Bükk Mountains began to develop in the Miocene, when the Tertiary planated surface started to be dissected by valley incision and pedimentation. Karst processes on Triassic limestones intensified from the Pleistocene on. Drainage from the previously buried karst inherited over the mixed karst surface. Surface water-courses were replaced by underground drainage through the process of bathycapture. The presently characteristic dry valleys attracted row dolines. The A. investigates the area where the density of dolines is highest and investigates the relationships between doline occurrence and geological/geomorphological conditions.
Type de document :
Source :
European Regional Geomorphological Conference, International Association of Geomorphologists, Hongrie, 1996-04-09, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband, issn : 0044-2798, 1997, n°. 110, p. 107-114, Collation : Illustration, Références bibliographiques : 5 ref.
Date :
Editeur :
Pays édition : Allemagne, Berlin ; Stuttgart, Borntraeger
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Droits :
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)