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Response of eolian geomorphic systems to minor climate change : examples from the southern Californian deserts

Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change

Auteur(s) et Affiliation(s)

Desert Research Inst., Reno, Etats-Unis
Dep. Geology, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ., Indianapolis, Etats-Unis

Description :
The response of eolian geomorphic systems to minor climate change can be examined through process-response models based on a combination of relations between short-term changes in climatic variables and eolian activity and the geologic and geomorphic record of Holocene eolian activity. At both time scales, eolian activity in southern Californian deserts is strongly controlled by variations in precipitation. Remobilization of existing dormant dunes is a product of reduced vegetation cover and soil moisture in periods of drier climates. The major control on these processes is decadal to annual changes in rainfal that determine vegetation cover and soil moisture content.

Type de document :

Source :
Symposium du Congrès International de Géomorphologie, 3, Hamilton, Canada, 1993, Geomorphology (Amsterdam), issn : 0169-555X, 1997, vol. 19, n°. 3-4, p. 333-347, Collation : Illustration, Références bibliographiques : 64 ref.

Date :

Editeur :
Pays édition : Pays-Bas, Amsterdam, Elsevier

Langue :
Droits :
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