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Anti-trafficking regional cooperation in Southeast Asia and the global linkages from geopolitical perspective. Borders and anti-trafficking strategies between Burma, Laos PRD and Thailand

Auteur :

Description :
The areas bordering Burma, Laos, and Thailand are a crossroads for both licit and illicit trade. Through strong border controls and zones of coordinated enforcement within Burma, Laos and Thailand, current anti-drug strategies evolve in a context of lack of control of central government in remote areas. Within the recent process of state-building criminal organizations increases their influence at the local level and appears as substitute for the power of the state. - (GL)

Type de document :
Article de périodique

Source :
Les notes de l'IRASEC, 2008, n°. 3, 32 p., Références bibliographiques : 4 p.

Date :

Editeur :
Pays édition : Thailande, Bangkok, IRASEC

Langue :
Droits :
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)