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La main-d'oeuvre dans le monde depuis 1950 jusqu'en l'an 2000. 1. Les travaux du B.I.T. et les résultats globaux

Auteurs :
BOURCIER, P. de Carbon

Description :
The I.L.O. has recently revised its projections of the labour force for every country up to the year 2000, using and original method which reflects changes in population structures found in the censuses of the last 30years. This article explains the principles on which the projections are based and summarizes the overall results. In addition W. Leontief has been asked by the United Nations to construct a model of the world economy which would describe possible changes between the present and the end of the century. Leontief's results have a direct bearing on the size of the labour force, an area in which economics and demography meet. They throw a new light on the I.L. O's projections and will form the subject matter of the second part of this article.

Type de document :
Article de périodique

Source :
Population Paris, 1980, vol. 35, n°. 1, esp., Références bibliographiques : 32réf.

Date :

Langue :
Droits :
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)