La mortalité en Asie méridionale et orientale
Auteur :VERON, J.
Description :
An exact study of mortality in the countries of South and East Asia comes up against the problems caused by the different quality of the available information. Where relatively plentiful, reliable information is available (Hong Kong, Japan, Western Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Taiwan) an extremely rapid drop in mortality is apparent during the post-war period). Elsewhere, and particularly in the densely populated countries (China, India, Indonesia and Bangladesh). It seems that the life span has lengthened in China where life expectancy at birth was apparently 62years in 1975. In India and Indonesia, on the other hand, average life expectancy appears to be 52years: in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kampuchea, Laos, Nepal and Viet Nam less than 45years. Mortality has fallen most in countries with the most detailed mortality-statistics but they represent, even if Japan is included only a small part of the population of South and East Asia.
Type de document :
Article de périodique
Source :
Population Paris, 1980, vol. 35, n°. 1, esp., Références bibliographiques : 28 réf.
Date :
Langue :
Droits :
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Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)